Veritee’s Story; By the Founder of PNI ORG UK, Veritee Reed Hall

Written in Sept. 1994

I intend this to be a testimonial for my daughter if and when the time is right for her to read it. I am putting this on my web site in the hope it will be of use to other women with PND and their families or even professionals working with depressed women and not for any attention seeking need of my own. It has taken a lot for me to find the courage to put it on the web –so if you read it please do not abuse my trust and use it to harm me or anyone else. However I am happy for you to use this material constructively. However if you are to use it in any way publicly – please contact me first.

Siobhan’s Story

Written in 2009

I knew i was pregnant from 4 weeks. Me and Martin were so happy, i really wanted another baby especially a girl as i ready had a lovely, caring, happy son who is 5 years old. A baby sister would just be prefect. During the pregnancy i had a few problems, everything was fine until the 20 week scan the hospital said i had a lot of fulid around the baby and the baby was big for dates(i also found out she was a girl too, i was so happy but i always thought they got it wrong and she would be a boy.) and i will need another scan. A growth scan. I started to worry from then on.

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Hannah’s Story

Written in 2008

A few weeks ago, it was my son’s fifth birthday. Amidst the excitement of organising a party and buying presents, a familiar and unwelcome anxiety began to creep into my mind. My happiness at seeing my gorgeous boy grow up into a smiling, blue-eyed, intelligent lad, was mixed with fear. For this year, as with each year since Joe’s birth, the anniversary of the event that triggered a terrifying illness becomes increasingly hard to face.

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