02/05/14: ITV News Feature
For those of you who missed the ITV News last Friday 02/05/14, you can watch our own Trustee, Natalie Ellis, talking openly about her own PNI experience here.
22/12/12: Web TV Discussion for 20th December 2012
For those of you who missed the LIVE stream of this discussion with Benenden Healthcare, you can watch the full show here.
05/12/12: PNI ORG UK to appear on Live Web TV Discussion 20th December 2012
One of our Trustees, Natalie Ellis, will be taking part in a Live Web TV discussion for Benenden Healthcare on 20th December 2012. This will be shown via StudioTalkTV‘s Healthcare channel and she will be discussing Post Natal Illness, how to spot the warning signs and various sources of help.
As part of the show, there will be a Q & A session. If you have any questions you would like answering, please feel free to submit them here or tweet them using #studiotalktv.
To watch the show, you can do so here.
30/11/12: £1,124.42 raised for PNI ORG UK, thanks to FrOctober!
Throughout November, women from all over the country (and even abroad) took part in FrOctober. This was an event where women wore dresses for the whole month, to raise funds for our charity.
Well the results far exceeded our expectations and we want to say a HUGE thank to all those who took part in the fun!
If you are on twitter, check out #FrOctober for all the tweets women posted throughout the month including pictures or their daily outfits. The Everyclick page is here:
Technophobia (the company who revamped our website) also got involved by wearing the worst possible dresses they could find for a whole day (including men)! Interviews were conducted and client meetings were held while the boys had their dresses on. Thanks guys!
14/06/2012: We are now integrated with NHS Choices!
We have officially integrated with the NHS Choices website.
Why have we done this?
We have done this in order for more women to reach us, much quicker. this site and forum make such a diference to so many women and men so we want to reach moren people, faster.
We are not connecting directly with Doctors or health professionals. It is just another way of spreading the word and directing more sufferers to our site and forum!
What does this mean for PNI ORG UK?
Basically, we have a place to ask general PND questions, take part in polls and write blogs about PNI on the HU community page.
It is not replacing our support forum but it is a great way for people to share their own experiences with PNI and for newcomers to reach us.
It also means when a sufferer searches for Post Natal Illness / Depression / PP etc, our HealthUnlocked community will be displayed on the info pages.
This is a great honour for PNI ORG UK and is a testament to all the hard work put in by the staff here, the wonderful people who regularly use the site and to Technophobia for helping us with our re-brand.
Thank you to all who have contributed to making this possible.
18/05/2012: The PNI ORG UK shop has had a makeover!
We have recently redesigned our shop, making it even easier for you to support our cause and help spread awareness!
Have a look at the new look and remember there is no shame in having PNI.
16/05/2012: We are on our way into NHS Choices via HealthUnlocked!
We have been lucky enough to be chosen by HealthUnlocked as the community for Post Natal Illness on the NHS Choices website!
Within this community you can blog, take polls, suggest polls and ask us and other users questions on their own experience.
There is also the facility now within the website to go to the… HealthUnlocked community or take the latest poll.
This service IS NOT replacing the forum, the forum is still the best place to go for support and information. The new community is just a welcome addition to the charity, which also means we can reach many many more women in need, soooo much quicker!
To put this into context: NHS Choices is the No.1 Health-related portal in the UK and the 4th biggest in the whole world!
This is a massive honour for us here at PNI ORG UK and a very exciting time for all of us!
Well done to all the team and users for this prestigious honour, without you all this would not have been possible :’)
Also, a HUGE thank you to HealthUnlocked and NHSChoices.
You will soon be able to see our community within all the Post Natal Illness related pages (e.g. PNI / PND / PP etc) within the NHS Choices website.
You will also be able to access us from NHS Choices – Communities (at the top of their homepage)… I’ll update you all when this part of the transition is live. But as I said, you can use the community now by following the link
Love from Nat (wanagetoverthis).
06/04/2012: Corporate Partnership / Donation
We were recently approached by MOO.COM, a design and print company based in London.
They have kindly offered to donate their products to us here at PNI ORG UK, as and when needed, in order for us to continue supporting the women (and their families), affected by Post Natal Illness.
MOO print business cards, stickers, labels, greeting cards and lots of cool accessories!
For information on MOO.COM, click here.
Thank you for supporting our charity!
15/02/2012: Article by Technophobia
Technophobia, a very well known Web Design Agency in Sheffield, were approached by a member of their staff, who coincidently is also part of the team here at PNI ORG UK, to ask for help in updating our website.
They kindly accepted the task and gave us the absolutely fantastic website you now see.
Here is an article they published about us today, on their own website.
Thanks Technophobia!
11/02/2012: Blogged!
Today was a very proud moment for all of us here at PNI ORG UK.
Anxiety Solutions today published a blog about our charity, the work we do and the service we provide, namely the popular forum we have.
This is great news for the Charity. We work hard to provide clear and honest information to the public, based mainly on sufferers and their own experiences.
We feel building a service and providing information based on the ‘real’ side of PNI is an essential part of supporting sufferers. This is why it makes us very happy to know respected sites and services feel this is a great resource for sufferers of PNI.
Thanks Anxiety Solutions!
11/02/2012: Mobile Forum
Don’t forget, if you have an iPhone or Android phone, you can access our forum straight from your phone! Access support wherever you are!
Click here for instructions on how to download the application suitable for your phone.
When you have downloaded the app, open it up and select ‘Forums’ then click ‘+’ or ‘add’ …From the next page, enter ‘’.
If you have any problems, email
See you there!
10/02/2012: New Site Launch
Today we launched our new website!
All the same information, advice and support that was always there, but brought together with a new look, fresh feel and some added extras!
We hope you like the new website and please feel free to send us your comments and feedback at
Thanks from all the team here at PNI ORG UK.